Can I be a member of more than one club?

It is not advised, but this is at the discretion of your regional Coordinator.

It is best to have new meeting spaces with new business owners, so that our networks can widen.

Do I need to turn up to every meeting?

We understand that life can sometimes happen and the unexpected occurs.

But the answer is YES, you are expected to turn up to every meeting, why?


Because showing up in space means you will find new connections and share opportunities, you won’t be able to develop the know, like and trust if you do not show up.


If you can’t make a meeting, then send a Substitute to share your seat, offering a sub to the meeting means that you are sharing a connection with fellow members as well ask helping your sub meet the most amazing people.

What is the vision for BoB Networking?

To have a more connected world where people flourish in their business and in themselves.

What is the mission or purpose of BoB Networking?

To build a community of members that share connections, opportunities, and experiences in a collaborative space.

To develop a positive culture of trust so that we can all grow ourselves and our businesses.

What are the Values that we hold true at BoB Networking?

Integrity, Empowerment, Fun, Inclusivity, Sustainability.


If decisions we make fall outside these values, then we don’t do it. We believe in the KISS it theory    – Keep it super simple!

Do you give free membership?

No, we don’t give away free membership. There are so many benefits it’s worth every penny!

Do I have to pass referrals in every meeting?

Yes, it is expected that when you’re ready you will be able to support your fellow members by sharing your connections and opportunities. There is no expectation to give every week or to everyone. Don’t force it, you lose the fun then!

Are there targets to follow.

No, no targets from us, but it is wise to set some networking goals, so you can measure and track the outcomes for yourself.

Is the learning compulsory?

No, it’s there if you want to use it.

Can I pay the annual fee in installments?

This is at the discretion of the Regional Coordinator, please reach out to ask directly.  Or check out your area coordinators meeting to learn more.

As a BoB member, can I visit another BoB meeting if my seat is already taken?

You can visit or sub at another BoB Meeting if the seat is not taken.

You will need to pay for the visit, but as a member or if you sub, it is your gift from your fellow member.

Do I have to stand up and speak?

No, you don’t have to do what makes you feel comfortable.

What is the structure of the meeting?

The meeting is informal yet structured, proving the perfect business networking model. See the video on the home page, showing a typical event, any further questions, please ask.