Terms & Conditions
August 2024

These are the Terms and Conditions of BoB Networking Limited registered number 15648675. (BoB Networking)

1. General

a. ‘Club’ – A group that meets bi-weekly at a set venue and is bound by these Terms and Conditions.
b. ‘Area’ – Geographical area covered by a Club.
c. ‘Member(s)’ -An individual who has joined a Club.
d. ‘Category’ – Designated seat describing business or profession.
e. ‘Meeting(s)’ – Organised gathering of a Club’s Members
f. ‘Registration Fee(s)’ – One off payment for joining a BoB Networking Region
g. ‘Membership Fee(s)’– Annual payment, (subscription)
h. ‘Meeting fee(s)’ – Payment for Club Meeting(s)
i. ‘Membership(s)’– Where a Member has joined a Club within a Category for a set period.
j. ‘Planned Club(s)’– Club(s) that has been proposed by a Regional Director
k. ‘Club(s) in formation’ – Club accepting Members and not yet charging Membership Fees
l. ‘Live Club(s)’ – Established Club(s) charging Membership Fees
m. ‘Founder/founding Regional Director(s)’ – Individual who collaborated in the creation of BoB
n. ‘Regional Director’ – Individual with overall responsibility for an Area in which Club(s) are Planned, In
formation’ or Live.
o. ‘Area Coordinator(s)’ -Individual responsible for organising more than one Club.
p. ‘Club Coordinator(s)’ – Individual responsible for organising a Club.
q. ‘Chairperson(s)’ -Individual engaged to chair a Meeting.
r. ‘Treasure(s)’ – Individual overseeing Meeting fees and Club accounts.
s. ‘Visitor(s)’– Non-member who attends a Meeting.
t. ‘Website’www.bobnetworking.co.uk
u. These Terms and Conditions will represent the whole of the terms between BoB Networking, Area Coordinators, Regional Directors, Visitors and Members.

2. The Membership

a. The benefits of Membership currently offered will vary over time and be outlined on the Website.
b. The Member must accept that the Terms and Conditions of Membership supplied may vary slightly from the Terms and Conditions initially set out.
c. Regional Directors can terminate the Membership at any time, without a refund should the Member commit a material breach of these Terms and Conditions.
d. The Member will have the opportunity to read these Terms and Conditions and have any questions answered before becoming a Member. The Member is accepting these Terms and Conditions by applying to become a Member and paying the Registration Fee and Membership Fee
e. The individual is the Member not their business.
f. Membership is not automatically transferable between members of the same business but belongs solely to the individual who joined.
g. All Members will automatically have their profile added to the directory on the Website. This will include their name, business name, contact details, social media links, personal bio, and specific requests. The details may also be visible elsewhere on the Website and social media. It is the member’s responsibility to complete their member profile, including links to their social media and website etc, and to make sure this information is correct and up to date at all times.
h. The Member will indemnify BoB Networking, the Regional Directors and Area Coordinators against any claim or problem arising from the information supplied for the directory on the Website. It is solely the Members responsibility to ensure any information is accurate and does not breach the rights of any other person or business.
i. The Member will hold an exclusive Category in the Club
j. The contract for Membership is made when the individual has been accepted and agreed by the
Regional Director for Membership of a specific Club and paid the Fees.
k. Regional Directors reserve the right to refuse to accept an application from a specific individual or
terminate a Membership and re-open a Category and are under no obligation to explain their
l. Membership can be cancelled by the Member at any time without refund except under exceptional
circumstances and at the discretion of the Regional Director
m. The Membership will run for one year and then the Member may be given the option to renew.

3. The Member’s Obligations

a. Information provided by the Member must be complete and accurate. Any changes in facts or relevant activities must be communicated to the Regional Director as soon as possible.
b. The Member must behave with respect to other attendees and individuals with responsibility at any Meeting and on other platforms such as social media and WhatsApp. Bad behaviour will not be tolerated, and Regional Directors reserve the right to terminate any Membership without compensation if they believe a Member’s behaviour does not meet the required standard. See the handbook for Member expectations.
c. While attendance to Meetings is not mandatory, Regional Directors reserve the right to terminate a Member who is not attending Meetings regularly. For clarity if a Member fails to attend or send a substitute in their place on average over 6 months for more than 60% of Meetings, Regional Directors reserve the right to terminate the Membership without refund.
d. Members should not actively open or run another networking referral group within the Regional Directors Area of responsibility.

4. Paperwork

a. All paperwork and documents supplied by BoB Networking are the subject of copyright and can only be used by the Regional Director, and individuals with responsibility, for the purpose of running a Club.
b. Any attempt to download, use or sell any paperwork or documents for any other purpose will be in breach of copyright and the Member or Visitor will pay damages whether the breach is by them personally or by a third party.

5. The Membership Fee

a. The Membership Fee must be paid in full in advance.
b. The Membership Fee will be set out on the Website and may vary over time.
c. An invoice will be raised for the Membership Fee. Payment terms are set by your Regional Director
d. A Registration Fee will be payable when the Members joins a Club. If the Member should leave, this Registration Fee is non-refundable.
e. If there is a break in the Membership and an individual wants to take a new Membership to a Club, they must pay the Registration Fee.
f. An annual Membership Fee is also payable to the Regional Director
g. The Member will pay a Meeting Fee for each Meeting attended. This is payable monthly to the Club’s designated account.
h. If the Fee is payable in instalments, such payments must be received by the due date, or the Regional Directors reserve the right to prevent any further attendance at Meetings until payment is made.
i. Membership fee is due when joining a Live Club or when a Club in formation goes Live.
j. Visitors must pay in advance when booking their visit to a Meeting.
k. In the event of continuous late or non-payment of instalments, the Regional Director reserves the right to request payment in advance before further attendance is allowed.
l. If an invoice is not paid within 14 days of the due date, then interest at 8% per annum above the current Bank of England base rate will be payable together with the current recovery fees.
m. All invoices must be paid in full without set-off, deduction or counterclaim.

6. The Meetings

a. All face-to-face Meetings will be held fortnightly at various set venues and be two hours in length.
b. Meetings for a Club will normally be held at the same venue. Members will usually be given at least two Meetings notice of any change to the Meeting venue.
c. Online Meetings and Meetings for events and different community groups may be held at different times of the day.
d. A Member will be a Member of a specific Club but can visit other Clubs and pay the Meeting Fee provided their Category is not already represented and/or their visit has been agreed with the individual responsible or the Regional Director
e. Where there is an existing Member for a given Category of profession/occupation, no Visitors of the same profession/occupation will be allowed to attend a Meeting without authorisation. Where no such Member is in place multiple individuals of the same profession/occupation may be permitted until such time as a member of that profession/occupation has paid their Membership Fee and the Member accepted into the group.
f. The Meeting will have a basic set format provided by Regional Directors.
g. Visitors can attend two Meetings within twelve-month window at the same or different Club.
h. Members and Visitors can only promote the category, occupation or profession given when they became a Member or booked as a Visitor unless agreed with the Regional Director.
i. For each Meeting, a Meeting sheet will be compiled of all attendees ‘name, business, and email. Members can also have a photo and business phone.
j. Members and Visitors must be punctual for all Meetings and repeated late arrival of more than 10 minutes, after the Meeting start time without prior notification, may result in cancellation of Membership for Members or for Visitors no return for second visit.
k. Members and Visitors must stay for the full Meeting. Leaving early without prior notification may result in cancellation of Membership for Members or no return for second visit.
l. Regional Directors have the right to create, postpone or cancel Meetings or close Clubs without any liability to a Member.

7. Attendance at Meetings

a. Regional Directors will assume all Members will attend every Meeting.
b. Members should aim to attend 100% of Meetings of their Club.
c. If any Member or a Visitor who has previously booked attendance cannot attend, they must inform the individual responsible or Regional Director with 24 hours’ notice where possible.
d. If a Member is unable to attend a Meeting, they should arrange for a suitable person in a non-conflicting occupation/profession to attend the Meeting as a substitute and must inform the Regional Director or individual responsible and provide details of their substitute.
e. If a Member is unable to attend due to an emergency this must be communicated to the Regional Director/ Host / chairman as soon as possible.
f. If a Member is unable to attend a Meeting for any reason, the Meeting Fee will still be payable for any missed Meeting.
g. If a Member’s attendance falls below 60% over any six-month period, at Meetings in their Club, the Regional Director or individual with responsibility will arrange a meeting with the Member to discuss the reason and find a way forward offering support if needed.
h. If a Member wishes to attend a Meeting at a different Club to their own, they can go as a substitute for a Member. The Member holding the seat will pay the Meeting Fee. If they wish to go independently, they should book online through the Website in advance and pay the Members Meeting Fee. Members can only visit another Club if their Category is not already taken and only up to 4 times per year

8. The individuals with responsibility

a. Each Meeting will be arranged and managed by the Regional Director or individuals with responsibility appointed by the Regional Director.
b. A Chair will host and facilitate the meetings, publicise each Meeting, book in Visitors, deal with enquiries for the Club, organise the venue and follow up with attendees as required.
c. The individuals with responsibilities must always be treated with respect.
d. The individuals with responsibility are the:
‘Regional Director’ – Individual with overall responsibility for an Area in which ‘Club(s)’ are Planned, In formation’ or Live.
‘Area Coordinator(s)-Individual responsible for organising more than one Club.
‘Club Coordinator(s)’ – Individual responsible for organising a Club.
‘Chairperson’ -individual engaged to chair a Meeting.
‘Treasure’ – individual overseeing ‘Meeting Fees and Club accounts.

9.Transfer of Membership

a. If a Member wishes to transfer their Membership to another individual in their business the Regional Director will consider the application. An administration fee may be charged if approved.
b. If a Member wishes to transfer their membership between Clubs, then the Regional Director will consider the application and can only be done once in any annual Membership year.
c. If a Member wishes to change the Category of occupation/profession on which they are a Member, then the Regional Director will consider their application. An administration fee may be charged if approved.
d. In all cases the decision of the Regional Director will be final.

10.Limitation of Liability

a. Should Bob Networking, the Area Coordinator or a Regional Director be prevented, hindered or delayed from performing their obligations under these terms by circumstances outside of their control (including without limitation acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake, other natural disasters, epidemic or pandemic, a terrorist attack, war, civil commotion or riots, war, the threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict,  the imposition of sanctions, embargo or breaking off diplomatic relations, nuclear, chemical or biological contamination, any law or action by government or public authority, the collapse of buildings, fire explosion or accident, any labour dispute or strike, non-performance by suppliers or subcontractors, interruption or failure of utility service, any action or order from the government, travel restrictions)the said parties shall be relieved from performing their obligations and will not be in breach of these Terms and Conditions or otherwise liable for any such failure or delay in the performance of such obligations.
b. The liability of the Regional Director or BoB Networking to the Member or Visitor shall not exceed the fees paid.
c. The Regional Director or BoB Networking are not liable for any indirect or consequential losses to the Member or Visitor or any third party.
d. The Regional Director or BoB Networking has no liability for any loss of profits, goodwill, reputation, special or indirect losses or any other business losses.
e. The Regional Director or BoB Networking does not exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the Regional Director or BoB Networking or its employees, agents or subcontractors or fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

11.Intellectual property

a. All copyright, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in any networking Club, document and materials shall remain always vested in BoB Networking or the Regional Director. Any attempt to copy any of these or reproduce, transmit, publish, display, exploit, or create derivative items shall render the Member or Visitor liable for damages whether the breach is by them personally or by a third party.
b. If the Member or Visitor wishes to use the content of the networking Club and documents in a way beyond as agreed in writing with the Regional Director or BoB Networking, it must obtain written consent and pay any Fee requested before doing so.
c. Any Membership given by the Regional Director to the Member or Visitor will automatically terminate should they, or any third party through them, be discovered using the documents or other materials supplied in breach of these Terms and Conditions.


a. Regional Directors and BoB Networking will keep all information supplied to them by the Member not in the public domain in connection with the networking Club, private and confidential. This will continue for a period of two years after termination of Membership. Regional Directors and BoB Networking may disclose such information to any subcontractor, supplier, or employee to the extent necessary to provide the networking Club.
b. The Member or Visitor will keep all information they discover about the Regional Directors and BoB Networking and its employees strictly confidential. This includes information relating to its business methods, practices, employees, contractors and includes all information whether labelled as Confidential or not. This continues after termination of the Membership.

13.Data Protection

a. All data supplied to the Regional Director and BoB Networking by the Member or Visitor will be kept safely in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and general UK legislation as set out in their current Privacy Notice.
b. The Member or Visitor will similarly comply with all current data protection legislation when dealing with data regarding BoB Networking and the Regional Director.
c. Members and Visitors may take photos at Meetings and post on social media about them. It will be assumed that Members and Visitors have no objection to this being done. If that is not correct the individual with responsibility must be told, and they will communicate this to the other Members.
d. Members and Visitors may be tagged on social media posts and shown in marketing materials but will not be named without their permission.
e. If any post put on social media by a Member or Visitor is deemed to not be appropriate, they will be asked to remove this, and they must comply.


a. The Member must raise any problem or complaint it has with their Membership or any other matter with the Regional Director or individual with responsibility as soon as the issue arises.
b. The complaint must then be confirmed in writing within seven days. Steps will be taken to consult with the Member and find a solution.
c. A response from the individual with responsibility or Regional Director will be given within 14 days of receiving the complaint.

15. Severance

If any part of these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed to be severable from the Terms and Conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any of the remaining provisions.

16. Waiver

The waiver by the Regional Director and BoB Networking of a breach, default, delay, or omission of any of these Terms and Conditions by the Member or a Visitor will not be construed as a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach of the same or other provisions.

17. Transfer

The Member may not transfer any of their rights or Membership to any third party.

18. Law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the law of England and Wales and their courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute that arises.