Case Study

Case Study

Edward Richings

Your name, business and elevator pitch.
Edward Richings, A.D.E Wills, Always Looking Ahead

Describe BoB Networking in your own words.
A genuinely welcoming and caring group of people looking to offer each other support to help everyone grow together.

What has been your experience of networking before BoB networking

Absolutely brilliant. I have formed new relations with people who have helped transform my business, and also become great friends as well.

When you first visited BoB Networking, what did you feel, learn, take away from meeting. What was the reason that made you say ‘Yes’ to joining
I felt a warm and welcoming vibe. Everyone had a desire to learn, grow, listen and understand each other’s business. No one was focused on growing their own business. They would describe their business and all the other people in the room would come up with ideas and share connections for them to grow.

What part of the meeting do you get the most value from
The 60 seconds. I get an understanding of what new events people are doing, and what kind of connections they are looking for.

What difference has BoB Networking had on you and your business. Can you share an example or a story of a successful opportunity, collaboration or referral.
BoB introduced me to a financial advisor who changed my business and life. His business model, values and mindset all coincided with mine. He has been so kind in trusting me with his clients and, together, we have modified our services to be able to offer our clients more help, through using the other’s services, knowledge and expertise.

Would you recommend BoB Networking and why?
I would highly recommend it because I’ve watched everyone’s business and life be transformed through connections and relationships in the time I’ve been a member..

Top networking top tip?
Prepare for each and every meeting – know what you want and don’t be afraid to ask for it!