Case Study

Case Study

Steve Gayler

Your name, business and elevator pitch.
Steve Gayler, OI-Digital. We help businesses get digital fit by providing web design, reliable hosting, and robust security solutions, ensuring your online presence is secure and optimised for success.

Describe BoB Networking in your own words.
It’s a wonderfully supportive space where business happens naturally amongst the members.

What has been your experience of networking before BoB networking
I was networked out and stopped for 7 years. It became a chore, and I was not keen on the results driven focus of so many groups I’d attended.

When you first visited BoB Networking, what did you feel, learn, take away from meeting. What was the reason that made you say ‘Yes’ to joining
BoB has been a breath of fresh air and reinvigorated my love for meeting new people, but I have been really surprised at how quickly new friendships have been made. We have also built a collaborative network with other creatives enabling us to bring together a creative team with the right skills to deliver projects for our clients.

What part of the meeting do you get the most value from
Let’s share business.
Hearing the amount of work that is taking place in the room is inspiring, but also, I have loved watching other businesses thrive, and when the supportive aspect of the group kicks in for start-up businesses and you see them grow over 6 months, and gain confidence is really empowering

What difference has BoB Networking had on you and your business. Can you share an example or a story of a successful opportunity, collaboration or referral.
BoB is responsible right now for 11 website builds we have booked in, and 4 of those will involve collaborations with other members, and not just in one group. We are also experiencing a ripple effect several ripples out from the immediate group, an effect I have never seen happen so quickly in any other networking group.

Would you recommend BoB Networking and why?
Yes, but you need to have the right mind set, have some clear objectives about why you want to join and don’t expect to be busy instantly. Get busy getting to know each other and the rest will happen. We value the support and friendship of the members, just as much as the referrals.

Top networking top tip?
Listen more than you talk, and look out for anyone who looks a bit lost and have a chat with them.