Case Study

Lois Sims

Your name, business and elevator pitch.
Lois Sims – Lois Hillier Creative

Describe BoB Networking in your own words.

BoB is an incredibly welcoming space. It’s a place of opportunity, connection, and friendship. It is what you make of it. It’s a supportive space, one where you feel comfortable to be vulnerable, whether personally or within business. It’s a space to share, to ask for help, to offer help and so much more. It gives you the opportunity to learn more about your own business and how customers perceive you. There is a quality to the referrals, without the pressure of needing to bring them yourself. It’s a chance to be with like-minded individuals that empower one another.

What has been your experience of networking before BoB networking
Before BoB, I had no experience of networking. Before I had even gone to the first meeting, Tina had phoned me to personally introduce herself, and to explain the structure of BoB, what I can expect, and listened to any questions I had. I was relatively apprehensive about going, but from the moment I arrived I was introduced to some members that made me feel very welcome. The structure is informative, giving everyone the opportunity to speak, whilst giving enough time to spark up their own conversations. I had 2 visitor sessions, booked in a few 1-2-1’s and from that I decided to take the plunge and sign up. I haven’t looked back. It’s been a very rewarding journey for me personally as well as my business. It’s given me work that has challenged and excited me. It has allowed me to make connections that I could have only dreamt of having years ago when I set up my business. I only wish I had signed up sooner! The structure of BoB allows you to keep consistency and a motivation without the pressure. If you don’t do anything… that’s on you, but one of my earlier 1-2-1’s had said to me, “The people that make this work, are the people that put in the time to get in their 1-2-1’s”, and he was so right. I have been following this since the start, and my business continues to thrive off the back of BoB. And in return, I hope (and also know) I have brought a lot of great resources and services to the group!

When you first visited BoB Networking, what did you feel, learn, take away from meeting. What was the reason that made you say ‘Yes’ to joining
It was the welcoming nature, the structure without the pressure, the friendliness, the bi-weekly meeting as well as the time it is on. I had a couple of strong referrals straight away, and thought, well if this is what I can expect when I haven’t even stuck my teeth in, goodness knows where this could go!

What part of the meeting do you get the most value from
Chatting with people individually and mingling.

What difference has BoB Networking had on you and your business. Can you share an example or a story of a successful opportunity, collaboration or referral.
BoB paid for itself within the month of joining. I am approaching 5 months as a member; in that time I have gained many new clients for my business. It’s allowed me to be booked up a month in advance for the first time ever as a freelancer. Not only that, it has allowed me to forecast the rest of my year as BoB has created a steady flow of income. Away from business, BoB has creatively challenged me, allowed me to really understand what I should offer potential clients and to hone in on specific areas to offer people, giving clients a more tailored service that is of the best quality yet.

Would you recommend BoB Networking and why?
I would recommend anybody to come to at least one session. To visit and understand what it’s about and to see if it is for them. I think networking can be seen as a time-consuming and intimidating thing, where you have to hit certain criteria or be of a certain background. BoB is different, BoB allows you to make of it what you want, and the structure is there to keep you grounded and to support.

Top networking top tip?
Get your 1-2-1s in, allow people to understand you in detail, there isn’t enough time in the session to speak to everyone. The more you speak to people, the more people will understand your position, and of course, you about them. Communication is key to life, and that goes for BoB too.