Case Study

Case Study

Kate Holt

Your name, business and elevator pitch.
Kate Holt from Double Entry Bookkeeping Ltd, Bring your numbers into focus.

Describe BoB Networking in your own words.
BoB Networking is a group of like minded souls, who can collaborate, share ideas and ultimately do business with each other

What has been your experience of networking before BoB networking

I was part of an online only network which didn’t really work for me. I found it difficult to forge proper relationships online. I also guested at a more traditional networking meeting but the pressure to give referrals was not agreeable to me. I didn’t want to refer strangers to my clients without getting to know and trust them..

When you first visited BoB Networking, what did you feel, learn, take away from meeting. What was the reason that made you say ‘Yes’ to joining
I found the room very welcoming, and really liked the ideal of support for each other, it’s not just about referrals. It’s like having the best little black numbers for every eventuality!

What part of the meeting do you get the most value from
The 60 seconds from each member gives you an insight into their business and then the 10 minute member showcase really allows us to see what makes them tick and what their business is really about.

What difference has BoB Networking had on you and your business. Can you share an example or a story of a successful opportunity, collaboration or referral.
My business is unrecognisable from where it was when I first joined. It has grown over 30% during my first year’s membership but more than that I feel I have the support and encouragement of the whole room. They give me the confidence to grow my business, knowing they are behind me all the way

Would you recommend BoB Networking and why?
Yes definitely! It gives you, as a small business, support, education and potential new business.

Top networking top tip?
Prepare for each and every meeting – know what you want and don’t be afraid to ask for it!